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Bury Cancer 
Support Centre

We offer a range of services from qualified professionals in our comfortable and friendly centre.

A little bit about us...

Welcome to a warm, friendly environment

If you're looking for support, you can drop into the centre at anytime for practical, emotional and social support. Our team of experienced & professional staff and volunteers are always warm and welcoming.

We offer a range of services from qualified professionals in our comfortable, and friendly centre. 


The service we provide

We understand the devastating effect of cancer diagnosis

Are you a Patient?

We understand the devastating effect of a cancer diagnosis. We offer a range of support, tailored to your individual needs.

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Are you a Carer?

We recognise the difficulties and challenges facing anyone supporting someone with a diagnosis of cancer.

Are you bereaved?

We acknowledge that to lose a loved one is devastating and life-changing. Grief is unique to each individual.

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